About us

CEC - tailor-made solutions from a single source

CEC Crane Engineering and Consulting GmbH is a reliable partner when it comes to moving loads of all kinds and sizes. With decades of experience end extensive expertise, we complete every project to the highest standards in quality. You receive full services ranging from the design department, in which
we meet all your requirements and individual requests, as well as manufacturing right up to assembly.

Safe, reliable and convenient – at favorable rates.

We provide you with everything that you need: tailor-made solutions from a single source.

We engineer, design and produce tailor-made solutions of cranes and lifting devices for the metallurgical industry, hydropower plants, and other appliances - in compliance with international norms, laws, and standards.

  • As a partner to the industry, CEC combines the quality of German engineering and craftsmanship with professional expertise based on decades of experience in the area of crane and lifting devices.

  •  Tailor-made design and engineering solutions are our core competences resulting in outstanding state-of-the-art products.

  • Our customers stand to benefit from the extensive technical know-how provided by a single source, covering the entire product line of heavy-duty lifting.

  •  Safety, reliability and a long service life are significant features of our sturdy products and ensure the highest life cycle value to our customers.

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