Markets & Partners


We are a reliable partner for our customers all over the world. The sales market for our products and services extends across five continents (North and South America, Africa, Europe and Asia).


As an international company, we collaborate with reliable business partners across the globe:

  • UNEX (Snina, Slovakia) and Unicov (Czech Republic):
    Manufacturing partner for steel construction/mechanical engineering components and assembly
  • DVESTA (Minsk, Belarus)
    Partner in the areas of electrical control systems and electrical control cabinet construction  
  • K-M KÜMSAN (Istanbul, Turkey)
    Partner in the design and manufacture of steel structures and mechanical components
  • TZ Taiyuan Heavy Industry (Taiyuan, China)
    Manufacturing partner for steel construction components, assembly and for conveyors
  • Provatio Consulting Ges.m.b.H. (Vienna, Austria)
    Sales partner and expertise provider for vehicles of the steel and iron industry such as pig iron 
    and slag transports, steel transports, and scrap vehicles
  • Poolad Crane (Tehran, Iran)
    Manufacturing partner for steel construction/mechanical engineering components and assembly; exclusive distributor on the Iranian market

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