Hot Metal Handling Cranes

Hot metal handling cranes are used in steel mills for various purposes, from die casting which is becoming rarer to the transport of liquid steel to continuous casting lines.

We offer casting cranes as four girder cranes (both in four and six track design) and two girder cranes. The load carrying capacity amounts up to 450 metric tons for spans of more than 23 metres.

Teeming Crane
480-80t x 25m 

Teeming Crane
480-80t x 25m

Teeming Crane
180 / 40t x 24m

Teeming Crane
180 / 40t x 24m

Ladle With Hot Metal on Laminated Hooks of Teeming Crane
180 / 40t x 24m

Empty Ladle Handling Crane
85 / 35t x 27m

Empty Ladle Handling Crane
85 / 35t x 27m

Empty Ladle Handling Crane
85 / 35t x 27m

Traverse With Laminated Hooks of
Empty Ladle Handling Crane
85 / 35t x 27m

Empty Ladle Handling Crane During Workshop Assembly
85 / 35t x 27m

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