Metallurgical Vehicles

 The torpedo car, also called cast-iron pig car or pig iron mixer car, is used to transport pig iron from the blast furnace to the steelworks.
Torpedo cars can be closed tightly and keep the iron in liquid condition much longer (up to 30 hours) than regular ladle cars.

 They essentially consist of two parts:

  • The undercarriage consisting of the two assembled running gears with each 2 two- and three-axle bogies. The intermediate bridge and the main bridge serve as connection of the bogies.
    A compressed air brake system is installed in the undercarriage.
  • The upper carriage – pivot bearing -, whose shape is reminiscent of a torpedo, with double-sided tilting drive.

 The upper- and under carriages are connected via pivoting pans.
A typical torpedo wagon holds between 80t and 320t of liquid iron.
A complete train consists of up to six torpedo cars, which are usually pulled by a locomotive.

 Our torpedo cars are designed for in-house traffic as well as for the public route network.

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Distributor and
know-how provider for
vehicles of the metallurgical industry

Torpedo Car 185 t Payload

Delivery of the Torpedo car on the Premises voestalpine Stahl Donawitz GmbH

Rail Bogies of Torpedo Car

Bogies for torpedo car at the manufacturing plant

Torpedo Car 185 t Payload

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